Wednesday, June 20, 2007

GAO Summarizes Report on Privacy Needs for Health Records

In January 2007, the Government Accountability Office issued a report on the federal government's lack of an overall privacy framework for a national health information infrastructure. They summarized the report in a one-pager this morning. In summary, the following challenges were recognized:

  1. Resolve legal / policy issues

  2. Ensure appropriate disclosure

  3. Enable an individual's right to access / amend health record

  4. Integrate security measures for electronic health information

Monday, June 18, 2007

DNA Testing + Genealogies + Internet = Huh?

According to a press release, is teaming up Sorenson Genomics, so that people can add the results of various genetic tests to their online family tree websites. I don't want to scream fire in a movie theater, especially since I don't know what the "DNA results" will correspond to, but at the same time, you have to wonder where the oversight is, who will have access to this information, if full-family consent will be necessary, ... the questions are endless.

Read a blurb on the release here.