Monday, December 10, 2007

Electronic Health Information and Privacy (the Canadian Way)

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the 3rd Electronic Health Information and Privacy Conference. The conference was overview of work in health privacy from many different perspectives, including behavioral economics (thanks to an excellent presentation of recent research by Alessandro Acquisi), data privacy, law, and policy. Though there was almost a foot of snow on the ground, the workshop was a tremendous success. They had to shuffle around sessions due to various delays at the airports (especially in Toronto) and the roads, but only one session was lost. In general, the majority of the conference focused on privacy and the challenges from a Canadian perspective. Personally, I found it amazing (and refreshing) how many of our neighbors to the north are thinking about technological and social issues.

Thanks to Khaled El Emam at the University of Ottawa for organizing a fantastic day of talks and discussion.

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